Sunday, May 4, 2008

He hates it...

As Matt already knows, Shonn hates having his pictures on FB.
He also hates his name being mentioned on this blog.
However, he is the only interesting thing happening around town these days...
AND, he has friends on the other side of the Pacific who would like to hear about how he is doing over here.... so, here goes...

(1) Life is a downgrade. Accompanied him and Nicole to Ikea. He had to get himself a desk and bought himself a S$24 (about US$18) desk. He said he used to own a high end Ikea desk in SF and now has to settle for a low end Ikea desk... how sad. It's ok... it's been a downgrade for Jessica and I too. We used to own 2 cars in SF, we now travel by Mercedes, but it belongs to the public bus system...

(2) Life is different. Different food, different fruits, different every motherf**king thing... so, our friend ate the durian seed thinking it was edible and puzzled the hell of Nicole because she was wondering where the seeds were when they were done eating... 

(3) Weather is just freaking wonderful. I think Shonn is to blame for this one... even though it's been warm since I arrived back in late January, the last few days since Shonn has gotten here has been just f**king unbearable... 100% humidity, 95 degree temperature... sweating bullets!!!

Ok, I think I might have said enough for now. 

Johnny, convince him to start his own blog... lol...

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