Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Interesting story of the week

Read this article. It's one of the most interesting stories I have read in a long time.

Jamaica maaan!

How can you lose FIVE HUNDRED loads of sand and (1) not see a thing and (2) not know where it is gone. Well, possibly only in Jamaica...

Policeman 1: aye mahn, someone's stealing the sarnd from deh beech.

Policeman 2: it's ok mahn, let's just finish dis reefer mahn.

Policeman 1: ok mahn
takes a deep inhale, coughs, inhales again and coughs some more...

Policeman 2: aye mahn, who's stealing what sarnd from deh beach?

Policeman 1: they all gone mahn... but dis is good shiiit mahn... is it da pineapple express stuff mahn?

Policeman 2: yeah mahn... da sand looks fine mahn.

Policeman 1: ok mahn, let's harve another reefer dan mahn...

AND 500 truck loads of sand disappear.

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