Monday, August 8, 2011

Singapore's National Day

We have been back for nearly 3 years.
Sadly, I will definitely list this as the biggest mistake I have ever made in my entire life.
I am no closer to getting adjusted to this place.
In fact, I hate most of the things this place has to offer... and I was born here.
Yes, it's sad.

This country is far from the place I remembered growing up in.
Today, I read an article and that prompted me to return to this blog that I have so often neglected.

The article, "Has Singapore become a nation without a soul?" just somehow resonated with me.

The answer, I feel, is... yes (no surprise to those of you who frequently hear my bitching and whining I guess). A very, very big YES.

There are some things that cannot be changed, like the weather. If that was the only thing I had to deal with, I think I would have been fine.
There are other things that can. And they were either ignored or intentionally not changed.
Tomorrow, Aug 9, marks Singapore's 46th National Day (aka Independence Day to the Americans). It carries practically no meaning to me.
It is more of a communistic display of what the leaders of this country want to portray to the rest of the world, if they are even watching. It is a complete propaganda effort by the leaders of the country told though the eyes of a completely bias state-controlled media.
Tomorrow, they will be a parade, a parade of extravagant proportion. A parade that I, at 15 years of age took part in. I was once really proud to be a Singaporean. And together with me, taking part in the parade, were others who were also really proud to be Singaporeans. Today, I really couldn't care less if they decided to kick me out of this country... and the sad part is... many of my childhood friends feel the same.

This country has lost its soul because it has failed to create an identity citizens can be proud of.
This country has lost its soul because her own citizens do no feel they belong.
This country has lost its soul because the same government that so craved for control over its citizens have neglected the fact that with the control also comes the responsibility of looking after the citizens.
This country has lost its soul because the leaders have forgotten that they are here to serve.
This country has lost its soul because her leaders have left the rest of the country behind while they create an enormous business that benefits only themselves and a minority of others.
This country has lost its soul because the people supposed to lead this country have sold out, to cheaper labor, to foreign businesses (who NEED to manage the bottom line by using cheaper labor), to short term goals and to short-sightedness in governance.
This country has lost its soul because of the arrogance of those who lead.
This country has lost its soul because of empty promises, made election after election after election, only to be forsaken because of the forgetfulness (or possibly, forgiving nature) of the electorate.

This country has plain lost it's soul. Sad, but true.

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