It's 2 days to polling day.
Some of you are PAP supporters, others, opposition party supporters. It doesn't matter, it is YOUR right to support either side.
It is your right, that on polling day, you cast your vote.
For those who are either too young to vote or cannot vote because you are out of the country. Your voice matters too.
In a conversation with a too-young-to-vote person a few days ago, he told me his views on some issues. But he left off by saying but it didn't matter because he couldn't vote. That is not true, I told him. I told him that his thoughts on these matters were relevant and valid and his voice could be counted by way of his parents, relatives and friends. So, he should state his point of view. In an educated society like Singapore, we should have matured enough to listen to opposing point of views. It does not matter if you disagree with the speaker, it is still their point of view. To this person, I also told him that his parents had provided him with an education and hopefully, this education had enabled him to form an opinion on certain issues. It would be sad if all the education had provided was the ability to excel in CounterStrike and listen to Justin Bieber.
So, to those who are unable to vote for some reason or other, your voice matters too.
For those who can vote and are either not going to vote or planning to spoil your vote... think again.
Even if you are politically apathetic, this is your one chance to say "Yes, I like things the way they are." OR "No, I would like to see some changes." Either way, I believe this might be the one year that EVERY VOTE COUNTS.
But, if you still decide not to vote, do remember that you have effectively lost your right to bitch and whine about the government, regardless of who gets voted in and regardless of party affiliation.
So, please vote.
Next, to those people who are want to vote for the opposition but are still having issues about secrecy. YOUR VOTE IS SECRET!!
Yes, your vote has a serial number. Yes, there is going to be someone yelling out your name and I/C number. It doesn't matter. Those are actually to protect against YOU voting in place of your elderly parent OR your parent voting in place of YOU.
Unless you need physical help, you will be in the voting booth alone.
You mark the box you wish to mark and then you fold your ballot and drop it into the ballot box.
At the end of balloting, the ballot box is sealed and transported to a counting center.
At the counting center, the ballots are counted and tabulated.
Writing equipment is NOT allowed at the counting center.
So, unless the counter has photographic memory, no recording of serial numbers and who they voted for can possibly take place.
Once the votes are all counted and if there are no disputes and challenges, the ballot box is re-sealed and SEALED (with those burn and seal thingys).
The sealed ballot boxes are then transported to the High Court (I think, but whatever the case, some government building) where it will be stored for 6 months and then finally, your ballot is cremated.
So, tell your friends and relatives, your vote is secret. Vote wisely.
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