Today, I tried to take tomorrow off (I also requested for next Thursday and Friday off). I have some time off owed to me due to time I had spent conducting other activities outside of my regular work hours. First, just so this is clear, when I was with Citi, I never calculated all the extra time I worked because there was a lot of give and take while I was there. However, coming back here, I have been told to be more calculative. I don't enjoy doing so. Well, when I first requested time off in the early part of this week, I was told to "account" for it. I was not too happy but I did so. There was no reply to my request and I reminded my boss today. He told me he would check as we had a "important" meeting tomorrow. This "important" meeting is a complete waste of 3-4 hours of my precious life where 120-150 staff sit in a lecture theater discussing exam results. 50-60% of the staff are not directly involved and wouldn't be missed if they missed this meeting. However, it is a stupid f**king "compulsory" (btw, I am beginning to detest that word with a vengeance) meeting that everyone has to attend unless they are on medical leave. There are 2 of these meetings per semester, one after the main exams (finals) and the other after the supplementary papers. This is the one is the latter... which makes it even more meaningless to me. Anyway, the answer is obvious... in case you are still wondering, it's a big fat "no" because of this stupid f**king compulsory meeting.
Well, here is where my dissatisfaction lies. I am not a position holder. I am NOT directly responsible for any kids taking ANY of the supplementary papers. I am not a subject leader for any of the subjects with supplementary papers. I am a NOBODY. Would I be missed at this meeting if I died tonight?NO. Would I be missed if I skipped tomorrow's "important" meeting? NO. Seriously, I would have added nothing positive nor negative to this meeting. So, why? why the f**k will my bosses not just let me have the day off and stand by their decision. Because they have no f**king balls... that's why. The working culture is one of fear of superiors and that's about all I have to say about this. BULL-F**KING-CRAP. That's how this day ended.
But, on a more interesting note.
Here are some other things that happened this week.
Overheard on the radio.
On the way to work earlier this week, the DJs had some poll going on whereby the listeners were encouraged to text the station with what the FINE Singapore government should FINE (summons) their citizens for, in addition to what already exists. There were good suggestions as well as bad ones, however, the one that captured my attention the most was this one.
"There should be a fine for people who choose to have pets instead of children." The DJ went on to say something more about this person's text saying that the population was down because people were not having children. If they had stopped right there. I would have had nothing to comment about. It's not particularly wise as having pets and having children are really not comparing apples to apples. But, like I said, the person was entitled to that opinion.
BUT, there was more on the text and when the DJ continued reading, I almost died. The DJ said that the texter went on to say that why have pets when there is a baby bonus but no pet bonus. Now, that's a truly misinformed and delusional person, not to mention completely idiotic. You base your decision to have kids because of a baby bonus? I don't know how much this damn baby bonus is, but it's a one time bonus, definitely not more than $20,000-30,000. And what happens financially when that BABY grows up? I think that was completely idiotic. But, I don't think that that person was alone when making such decisions... and that is scary... considering that there are so many kids running around without direction, love, care, etc, etc, etc...
And lastly, we attended the Coldplay concert on Monday evening. When I have more time, I will post up some pictures.
Time to run....
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