Monday, July 28, 2008


I know I said "more tomorrow" on the previous post and it's one week later. However, I have been facing a dilemma and am not quite sure what to do. My dilemma is about the direction of this blog... Initially when I started this blog, it was to describe our experiences moving back here. The blog was definitely wonderful in helping us during the time of Shasta's demise. We have been back here almost 6 months and there is very little to write about 'cos... it's Singapore... no one breaks laws here... everything is so damn orderly... there are no controversies ('cos if you start one, they throw you in a "detention center" without trial)... there is basically nothing happening here. 
Jessica goes to work. I stay at home looking for work... that's what happens.

I have always wanted to write about 2 things:
(1) do food reviews
(2) comment about this country without fear of being put away

Obviously, (1) is a much safer bet... LOL! 
However, (2) is definitely much more exciting. And I do think I am "qualified" to do (2) having lived in a country that is a PURE democracy for almost 19 years. 

A few days ago, I had dinner with a friend and some his friends and, during dinner, I discovered that there are actually a few people blogging about this country. Some of them say pretty outrageous stuff on their blogs. I have to do further research about this. I'm not too convinced that they actually reside here, even though the person who told us about it says they do. I actually think they might be Singaporeans residing abroad and have no fear about what they blog about catching up with them. They probably actually live in a PURE democracy where there is freedom of speech and that freedom is actually honored and celebrated. 

So, that's my dilemma. 
But in my dilemma, another thing also arises. If I start blogging about this country, those of you who are not from here and don't ever plan to come live in this WONDERFUL country (bleahhh... finger in mouth)... might find it uninteresting. I would love to make it interesting for everyone, but the more interesting it becomes, the higher the likelihood I will be locked up forever... so, I think I might take a few more days to think about it. I might actually start it while I am sitting in the safety of SF... ha! that's an idea!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sorry for the intermission

To those of you who have been faithfully checking back at this blog, we apologize for not updating this blog. 
It has been an extremely "unique" time for us... with Shasta's passing, we were experiencing situations that had not previously arose in both our lives. 

I will try to be more consistent in updating this blog...

From the last point of update till now, what has happened....

1) Happy Birthday to Bernard
2) Happy Birthday to Charlie
For Charlie, I would have posted a picture tribute, just like I did for Jon... I HAVE PHOTOS!!
But Charlie did say he felt a lot safer during his birthday. First time in like 8 years he has not felt the need to lie about leaving town on his birthday... 
3) Allen J's dad passed away. 
May your Dad rest in peace. I hope you are doing ok. 

As far as Jessica and I are concerned. Jessica has signed a 2 year contract with the bank and as of June 30, we had to give up the perks of being expats in Singapore. That means, no more housing and no more food allowances. We have actually moved to a place that we share with Jessica's brother, but we are only partially moved in. The place has minimal furniture and we were going to go furniture shopping but Jessica's brother told us to hold on. He was informed that he may be posted back to Singapore and if that happens, he will have a whole house of furniture to ship back here. He already has a place here and won't be needing the furniture right now. But, the decision on whether he will be posted to Singapore might not be will somewhere in July. So, we decided we will continue staying at my parents' for now. And since we will be back in SF for most of August, we decided to move in to the new place when we return from the SF trip. Most of what we brought back from SF the first time round is already in the new place, it's just the furniture.
Other things... I'm still unemployed. Anyone with jobs or business ideas are welcome to share them with me...

Lastly, a short condolence note. This past weekend, Jessica's ex-roommate's Dad passed away. She has made home in San Jose and could not visit with her Dad as she is near term in her pregnancy (34 weeks? I don't know... something like that). So, unfortunately, she could not be with her Dad in his last moments and also could not attend the funeral. Her Dad was 59 years old. We attended the wake and the stories of how the family members hooked up Skype for her to speak to her Dad and even for her to witness his last moments completely touched me. Our condolences go out to you and your family.

Back with more tomorrow....